The processor in the IPhone 4s is 100 times more powerful than the Intel 8088 CPU in the original IBM PC.
Yawn… Well of course it is. We’re old farm hands at technology change and that farm’s been bringin’ in a personal computing crop for 30 years. I get it.
The reason we should stop right where we stand in the middle of the field during harvest time is this: When was the last time you burst through the front door with a new piece of technology and exclaimed, “It’s twice as fast as my old machine, and only cost half as much!” Has it been two years? Five years? More? We don’t talk about hardware technology advancement any more. We talk about applications. We’re concerned about what we DO with our new toys. This represents a MAJOR shift in focus. Think about what first time users (aren’t many around any more) say when they show you their new smart phone… “I can do email, Facebook, Twitter, text, watch video, TAKE video, scan bar codes, get recipes, Skype, and… I can even make phone calls.”
We don’t mention “the Internet” anymore. We can do ANYTHING we want to with music. Well… you get the picture (and don’t forget to take that picture and share it with your phone). Our lives are now broken down into to two categories…Things that CAN be done on our smart phone, and things that CANNOT be done on our smart phone.
Here’s the thing. The introduction of the original IPhone (which arguably ushered in this era) was a minute ago in 2007. What makes this so important is that it’s more than good ol’ advancing technology; we are witnessing CULTURAL change. The way in which we consume information has changed. Has your business kept pace?