It’s like a gold rush initially. Everywhere you turn there’s a yet-unpublished nugget in full view to pick up and post. Eventually though, you’re going to have to dig. And just like mining, you’ll need structure. By the way, social media platforms are simply the vehicles that bring materials out of the mine. What content will you put in these vehicles and why? Separating substance from slag is key; if you don’t do it, your readers will. That… won’t last long.
There is a method to finding, producing and distributing content about your company.
Don’t let your posts turn into the company newsletter. Nobody wants to hear about the new computers in the engineering department. We want to know what you’re going to do with them. We want to hear about the new alloy that you’ve considered using for a part that you might make. It doesn’t matter whether you use it or not. It doesn’t even matter if you win the contract for said part… The information is shiny and it’s in demand.
We can help. Call (or click) before you dig.